Kalousek’s balance since 2007 = CZK -678.3bn. He is unlikely to reach one trillion

Miroslav Kalousek first became Minister of Finance in January 2007, and has been one up to this day, with only about a 14-month intermission (while the Acting Minister Janota worked to Kalousek’s instructions). Over the above time, he “succeeded” in generating government budget deficits amounting to a total of CZK 678.3bn. As Nečas’s cabinet could hold on until the middle of 2014, there is a risk of seeing Kalousek’s signature on two more Budgets. Will he attack the one-trillion threshold? The question is difficult to answer in the light of his average performance over the past four years – it seems he could come just short of it.
– mot-

Government Budget Deficit under Kalousek

2007 CZK 66.4bn
2008 CZK 19.4bn
2009 CZK 192.4bn
2010 CZK 156.3bn
2011 CZK 142.8bn
2012 CZK 101.0bn

Translated by Lingvus

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